Shell Diesel et Shell V-Power Diesel
Conduire un véhicule à moteur diesel ne vous empêche pas de profiter des avantages que procurent les carburants Shell de qualité supérieure. Tous les grades de carburant diesel Shell, y compris les mélanges de biodiesel renouvelable Shell et Shell V-Power – qui établit la norme en matière de rendement élevé –, ont été spécialement formulés pour toutes les conditions météo au Canada.
How a diesel engine works [en anglais]
Title: How a diesel engine works?
Duration: 1:57 minute
Watch to learn how a diesel engine works.
How a diesel engine works? Transcript
[Text on screen]
The general diesel engine operating principles shown apply to diesel cars and pickup trucks as well as heavier duty diesel trucks, which are used in this video for illustrative purposes only.
[Animation of zoom in on semi truck engine]
In diesel engines the operating cycle starts with clean air being drawn into the cylinder, not a fuel - air mixture as in a conventional gasoline engine.
[Animation of zoom in on engine pistons]
The motion of the piston compresses the air, heating it to a high temperature.
[Text on screen]
Compression of air causes rapid temperature increase. Fuel is injected under high pressure.
When the piston nears the top of the cylinder, fuel is injected under high-pressure through a number of precisely machined holes in the tip of the fuel injector.
The fuel enters the engine in the form of a fine spray and the surface of each droplet quickly begins to vaporize on its path through the hot air.
[Text on screen]
Rapid expansion of the combusting mixture increases the pressure in the cylinder, forcing the piston down and powering the vehicle. The exhaust stroke drives the spent gases out of the combustion chamber.
Spontaneous ignition takes place without the need for a spark and rapid expansion of the combusting mixture increases the pressure in the cylinder, forcing the piston down and powering the vehicle.
When the piston is close to its lowest position, the exhaust valve starts to open and the exhaust stroke then drives the spent gases out of the combustion chamber and the cycle starts again.
[Animation of diesel vs. gasoline engine]
In conventional gasoline engines, a mixture of fuel AND air is drawn into the cylinder, compressed by the motion of the piston and ignited by a spark as the piston nears the top of the cylinder. The resulting combustion generates pressure which forces the piston down to power the vehicle.
[Text on screen]
Diesel: compressions ignition
Gasoline: spark ignition
[Shell pecten is shown]
Le carburant Shell V-Power Diesel :
- Contient un améliorant de l’indice de cétane qui aide à l’allumage du moteur.
- Protège contre la corrosion des pièces d’acier et d’alliage d’acier.
- Est spécialement formulé pour les conditions météo en toutes saisons au Canada.
Le carburant diesel ordinaire de Shell et Shell V-Power Diesel peuvent vous aider à vous rendre où vous voulez tout en protégeant votre véhicule. Cependant, nous avons établi la norme pour le carburant diesel Shell V-Power, mis au point en partenariat avec Ferrari et conçu pour améliorer le rendement.
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