Final module for Quest Carbon Capture & Storage Project in place
Aug. 27, 2014
Shell Canada has set the final module at its Quest oil sands carbon capture and storage (CCS) project north of Edmonton, Alberta.
Workers at Shell Canada’s Scotford Upgrader north of Edmonton, Alberta, have fitted the 69th and final module, bringing the capture facilities to 70 per cent completion. Construction on the Quest project remains on time and on budget. The project will start injecting carbon dioxide from Shell’s oil sands operations two kilometres under the Alberta prairie in 2015.
The final module was constructed in Edmonton; a growing centre for modularisation construction techniques that is bringing down costs in the oil sands and providing opportunities for Canadians. Now that all the modules are in place on-site work continues to connect the wires, pipe and control systems.
Quest CCS is being built by Shell Canada on behalf of its Athabasca Oil Sands Project partners Chevron and Marathon to capture over one million tonnes of carbon dioxide each year from the Scotford Uprader and inject it deep underground for permanent storage under multiple impermeable rock layers. The carbon dioxide captured would represent up to 35 per cent of the direct emissions from the Upgrader which is the equivalent of taking 175,000 North American cars off the road.
The project is part funded by the Alberta provincial and Canadian federal governments and the technology designed to make the project work will be shared with the governments as part of the funding agreement. Once operational the Quest project will join a handful of commercial-scale CCS projects in operation worldwide.
Notes to Editors
Construction on the 60 km underground pipeline to three previously drilled injection wells is largely complete and on track for mechanical completion this fall.
The capture unit was designed using Fluor's 3rd Gen Modular ExecutionSM innovative proprietary technology which significantly reduced the plot size of the unit and improved safety by relocating 90 per cent of the field hours to a module yard.
Shell CCS projects include shares in an operational facility in Norway that tests capture technology, a gas-fired power plant in the UK under design, a natural gas liquefaction project in Australia being constructed by partner Chevron. A Shell subsidiary based in Quebec, Cansolv, also provides the capture technology to a CCS project attached to a coal-fired power plant in Saskatchewan, Canada.
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