4 ways to stand out as a candidate
How can you increase your chances of standing out among all the other applicants? To answer this question, we asked three of Shell’s Recruitment Managers about what they saw in candidates that stood out.
1. Remember CAR
When asked what Shell’s stand-out applicants have in common, Recruitment Manager Andro Khan cited their ability to provide strong examples that help us to assess their potential. At Shell we call this CAR or Capacity, Achievement, and Relationships:
“Capacity explores a candidate’s potential to analyze a situation and consider solutions to address problems or develop opportunities. Achievement demonstrates what you have done to deliver a result and whether you are able to adapt and learn from your achievements. Relationships is how you collaborate and work well with others.”

Stand out by providing examples of CAR.
Graduate Recruiter, Monique van der Zanden agrees and shares that:
“The perfect applicants tend to have a lot of concrete evidence of the selection criteria (CAR) on their resume and during the interview. So, for example, this might be great academic results or a lot of publications in the case of a strong researcher but also examples of where they have really moved outside of their comfort zone to learn new skills or new behaviors.”
In essence how we use CAR during the interview process helps us to understand you better. During the interview we think about how you will deliver for the success of the role:
- Capacity - You'll need to bring the intellectual, analytical and creative ability to learn quickly, identify issues, make judgements and propose solutions.
- Achievement - We'll expect plenty of enthusiasm, resilience and confidence - you'll be someone who can always get things done.
- Relationship skills - You should have the character and ability to work effectively with others in a diverse team.
Whether your examples are based on large projects or voluntary activities, showing how you participated, clearly outlining what your role was, demonstrating your personal contribution and how you worked with others, helps a recruiter to understand your potential for today and for the future.
2. If you’re a student or graduate: interact with our Campus Ambassadors
Applying at Shell doesn’t have to begin with sending your resume. If you’re a student or graduate, you can make an early and lasting impression by speaking to Shell’s Campus Ambassadors—these are employees who recently graduated and visit universities to regularly engage with students, as well as hosting virtual sessions such as the popular “Ask Me Anything” events. Not only can they advise you, after all they have recently succeeded in being selected, they can also ensure you are guided through the right channels for your discipline or preferred program.

“If you want to stand out, try to take advantage of any opportunity you get to interact with a Campus Ambassador whether online or face-to-face.” – Karen Carr, Graduate Recruitment Manager
3. Demonstrate knowledge of the company
When asked what stands out for a recruiter, Karen was straightforward:
"If they have company awareness and if they’ve done their homework.”
A little preparation goes a long way. Karen advises doing your homework and finding out as much as you can about Shell, what we stand for, our values, our culture, and how you feel you can contribute.
4. Focus on the quality of your answers

Divert your focus towards preparing quality examples to share with our recruiters
It’s normal to feel nervous before and during interviews. You can overcome this by practicing and remembering that regardless of how you present yourself, it’s the quality of your answers that will matter above all else. Divert your focus towards preparing quality examples to share with our recruiters:
“The first thing I do is assure them that this is not really about presentation skills or how comfortable you feel with performing on-screen during online interviews. The assessors will really be looking for context and the quality of your answers, not the way you look or present yourself.” – Monique van der Zanden
Need more tips to help you through the Shell application process? Explore our Candidate Resource Center for more valuable advice.
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