Energy and Innovation
Energy is vital to our daily lives. Over the coming decades, more people will gain access to energy and enjoy higher standards of living. At the same time, climate change remains a serious concern.

Renewables and Energy Solutions
The global energy system is changing and tackling climate change is an urgent challenge. Shell is transforming its business and finding new opportunities to thrive through the energy transition.

Nature-Based Solutions in Canada
We are investing to protect and enhance natural ecosystems that capture CO2 emissions, benefit local communities, and improve biodiversity. We use the carbon credits these projects generate to help customers decarbonize by compensating for their emissions.
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Quest Carbon Capture and Storage
Located at the Scotford upgrader near Edmonton, Alberta, the Quest Carbon Capture and Storage facility is designed to capture and store CO2 from hydrogen production.
LNG Canada
We produce natural gas from our operations in Canada and are a major investor in the LNG Canada project. Shell is part of a joint venture comprised of five global energy companies building the LNG Canada export facility, one of the largest energy investments in Canadian history.