If you are an impacted employee, call the Shell Employee Helpline at 1-866-449-2355 to indicate your personal situation and any resources you require. For those calling the Helpline, please note you will have to go through a three step process to connect with a person monitoring the line.  First enter extension 1 (English), then 1 (Fuel Systems) and finally 12345678# (the site #).

Also note that our Employee Assistance Program offered through Ceridian Life Works also continues and can be reached by calling 1-866-721-5682 or visiting www.lifeworks.com whereSteps to Take After a Flood, Taking Care of Yourself After a Traumatic Event can be found. Both services are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

A website has been set up for Shell Employees wanting to make a donation to the Red Cross in addition to the $150,000 already donated by Shell Canada yesterday.  Donations can be made online at www.redcross.ca/shellcanada.

Shell Canada’s thoughts are with those impacted by the flooding. Please continue to stay safe.

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