Shell’s Groundbirch Asset Turns 10!
Aug. 19, 2018
In 2008 Shell acquired the Groundbirch assets from Duvernay Oil Corp – an operation that included about 150 wells and a few facilities. Over a decade, the business has grown significantly in scale and developed into Shell Groundbirch, a successful asset for Shell driven by a great team.
Today, Groundbirch has more than 500 wells and four gas plants along with the associated infrastructure, and a reputation within Shell for delivering consistent performance and process improvements.
“In only 10 years we have accomplished many production milestones, invested in world-class infrastructure to manage our environmental impacts, and above all, built relationships with our communities and partners,” says Wouter de Klein, Operations Manager.
There are a few things that have remained constant on this journey. “Number one is our commitment to safety,” says Wouter. “Underlying all we do has always been our goal of no harm to people and no leaks so that we can be sure each employee and contractor gets home safe at the end of the day.”
The second, is responsible operations. “Before we take any action on development we make sure there is a plan in place that ensures our impacts are minimized and we return the land to its original state.”
Lastly, he explains the importance of being a good neighbour by involving local communities, providing benefits back whenever possible and listening and responding accordingly to any concerns along the way.
To mark this milestone year, Shell Groundbirch is supporting a number of community events as a way to thank community members and local businesses for their ongoing support. The local team is also aiming to increase community volunteerism and surprising community members with random acts of kindness as part of Shell’s Fuelling Kindness program.
“Here’s to maintaining focus on the things that matter so that we can continue to ‘Build a Lasting Groundbirch’ and have another successful decade ahead,” says Wouter.