Etermar, Portugal
With significant gearbox issues, Etermar switched to Shell Omala S4 WE oil leading to reported annual savings of US$289,400.
Download the Etermar case studyThe longer an oil’s life, the less fluid maintenance your equipment requires, so it can continue to operate without interruption.
Customers using Shell’s standard products, such as Shell Omala S2 G, are extending oil-drain intervals by up to 200% for some applications. Customers are trading up to synthetic oils, such as Shell Omala S4 GX, for even longer oil life and other benefits.
Title: Shell Omala | Product Video | Shell Lubricant Solutions
Duration: {1:38} minutes
{This short video gives an in-depth description of the qualities and benefits of Shell Omala oils.}
{This video includes animations to illustrate how Shell Omala oils can offer protection across various applications.}
{Shell Omala | Product Video | Shell Lubricant Solutions} Transcript
[Background music plays]
Bright, uplifting music is played in the background.
[White screen]
A yellow droplet descends from the top to the middle of the screen, transforming into a spinning roundel. This roundel includes animations of an orange robotic arm, a white spinning wind turbine, an open gear and a grey spinning cog. There are small animations of lubricants moving and arrows around the focal roundel.
[Spoken word]
Gearboxes help keep the wheels of industry turning, but over time, they have become smaller and more intricate, while power outputs increase, and operating conditions toughen.
[Scene transition]
Next scene/frame appears
A zoom into the robotic arm section of the roundel – the robotic arm is making up and down movements. Then in a clockwise motion the spinning grey cog section of the roundel appears. The roundel continues to spin, changing to the vibrating open gear and finally moves to the turning wind turbine section.
[Spoken word]
Fortunately, technology advancements mean each piece of machinery is now meticulously engineered to overcome these environments.
[Scene transition]
Next scene/frame appears
It then zooms out to show the roundel in full – with each section of the roundel showing it's own animation. The roundel then fills in with a blue background colour and an enlarged spinning cog. The background fill of the roundel then changes to yellow and the spinning cog's appearance deteriorates.
[Spoken word]
Limiting fluid degradation can prolong oil life,
[Scene transition]
Next scene/frame appears
There's a zoom into the roundel that produces a new scene displaying a front-facing red car being assembled by orange robotic arms on each side, attaching wing mirrors onto the car's body. A moving yellow clock can be seen above the car accompanied by small animations of lubricants and dashed lines moving in the background. At the end of the scene, four green check marks appear one after the other at the top and bottom of the orange robotic arms.
[Spoken word]
so Shell Omala is designed to help equipment operate without interruption, enabling longer maintenance intervals, especially in heavy, repetitive industrial settings where productivity, consistency and reliability dictate success.
[Scene transition]
Next scene/frame appears
A roundel appears in the middle of the screen, obstructing the red car and the clock but leaving the two orange robotic arms in view. The roundel contains a blue background fill and displays two animations of grey spinning gears. The background fill of the roundel then changes to yellow and the animation of the gears deteriorates simultaneously.
[Spoken word]
The enhanced wear protection provided by Shell Omala safeguards gears against service life and productivity drains.
[Scene transition]
Next scene/frame appears
There is a blue sky with 3 spinning wind turbines planted in a darker blue ocean. There is an animated dashed line that shoots off-screen. 3 bubbles appear one after the other next to the 3 wind turbines. The first appears on top of the middle turbine, the next appears on the right of the right turbine and the last appears on the left of the left turbine. These bubbles begin to fill with a yellow and a green outline in the same order, revealing green icons. The first reveals an icon representing a kilogram weight, the next reveals a snowflake icon and the last reveals an icon representing chemical corrosion.
[Spoken word]
Take modern wind turbines. Their bigger blades are increasingly asked to work harder, meaning critical components come under strain from higher loads. Between isolated locations and harsh operational conditions, gear oils demand a balanced performance – all of which starts with protection.
[Scene transition]
Next scene/frame appears
The scene then zooms past the 3 wind turbines, transporting to 3 onshore spinning wind turbines planted on green forest terrain with a blue sky. There are numerous green turbines spinning in the background.
[Spoken word]
By maintaining an adequate lubricant film,
[Scene transition]
Next scene/frame appears
The scene then zooms past the 3 wind turbines, transporting to 3 onshore spinning wind turbines planted on brown desert terrain with a blue sky. There are numerous brown turbines spinning in the background.
[Spoken word]
an oil like Shell Omala keeps oil flowing while flushing out contamination.
[Scene transition]
Next scene/frame appears
The scene then zooms past the 3 wind turbines, transporting to a new scene displaying an animated tractor, a dump truck and a wheeled loading shovel moving on a yellow terrain with a blue sky.
[Spoken word]
Even amid extreme conditions, like those experienced in the mining industry, where dust, high temperatures and rain all test viscosity and pumpability.
[Scene transition]
Next scene/frame appears
A roundel split into 4 sections appears on a white background. This roundel includes animations of an orange robotic arm, a white spinning wind turbine, an open gear and a grey spinning cog. There are small animations of lubricants moving and arrows around the focal roundel.
[Spoken word]
Shell Omala oils have been formulated to provide everything you need to keep the wheels turning
[Scene transition]
Next scene/frame appears
The dark grey animated container representing the Shell Omala product appears in the middle of the roundel. The product is zoomed into and becomes larger, resulting in the disappearance of the roundel. There are small animations of lubricants moving and arrows around the focal product.
[Spoken word]
and your business on track.
[Scene transition]
Next scene/frame appears
The Shell Omala product then shoots left off-screen, revealing the "Shell.ca/Omala" text in red.
[Scene transition]
Next scene/frame appears
[Background music plays]
Shell Jingle
[Animated Sequence]
{Shell Pecten logo sits on the frame.}
With significant gearbox issues, Etermar switched to Shell Omala S4 WE oil leading to reported annual savings of US$289,400.
Download the Etermar case studyConverting two grinding mills at Norilsk Nickel’s Black Swan mine to Shell Omala S4GX 220 led to a potential annual saving of US$74,473.
Download the Norilsk Nickel case studyWhere to buy Shell oils and lubricants.
Find key technical and safety information on our products at www.epc.shell.com.
Discover how using the right lubricant can bring you substantial savings by helping maximise equipment efficiency, prolong vehicle life and reduce downtime.